Obtain Name Approval
Name Approval has to be obtained from the ROC by filing RUN form. Approved name remains be valid for 60 days.
Securing DSC and DIN
In case all 7 members, who are future directors of the company after conversion, do not have the Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) and Director Identification Number (DIN) for all the future directors of the company must be obtained.
Filing of Form URC-1
After getting the approval of name from Registrar of Companies, the applicant must prepare & file the form No URC-1 along with various documents ( URC-1 Documents requirement mentioned separately)
E-form INC- 33 / INC-33 / INC-34
Company required to file e-form INC-32/ INC-33/ INC-34 along with URC-1 as linked form with all the attachment as required in normal Incorporation of Company like - MOA/AOA , INC-9, DIR-2, etc.
(MOA/AOA physical in case of more than 7 subscribers otherwise INC-33 and INC-34)
Intimation to Registrar of Firm
In the last phase of the conversion of partnership firm to a company registration process, an intimidation is to be given to the Registrar of Firms (ROF). The company after its registration have to acknowledge and intimate the R0F about the same within 15 days from the date of registration.